When you find an industry you love, you’ll enjoy a long and profitable business – witnessing the technological evolutions within. Just like one of our longest-established franchisees, Andy Simpson.

Gone are the days when most of us stay in one career for the whole duration of our working life. With so many employment possibilities available these days, including business ownership in new ‘to you’ industries. If you do consider a FASTSIGNS franchise, the chances are you might just begin to enjoy what you do, especially as technology for signage develops. Like one of our longest-serving franchisees, Andy Simpson, who joined FASTSIGNS with his dad, Chris, in the 1990s.
With his centre’s 30th anniversary on the horizon, Andy shares some insights on how the signage industry has grown and changed!
One of the biggest changes is in the production of signs; technology has empowered our franchisees and their teams, giving them more scope to be more creative. As Andy explains, “The process for making signage has changed a lot. Believe it or not, there weren’t any full-colour printers back then! We were among the first to introduce colour vinyl signage, but before then if a customer wanted colour signs, each colour was laid down by hand on the black and white design.”

Andy remembers these early days with some nostalgia and fondness, but values the new opportunities advanced technology has given his business, to create impactful signage for any location and purpose.
“The products FASTSIGNS offers have changed substantially. We now use fully automated, full spectrum printing, laser engraving and, one of my favourites, digital signage. Customers benefit from highly flexible signage solutions, which proves especially popular for smaller businesses that may not be able to afford to keep changing their signage. We offer varying options to suit their budgets.”
The industry changes; pride in what we do doesn’t
Despite all these changes, however, one thing remains the same amongst the FASTSIGNS network: how we interact with our customers. As we’ve adapted our services to meet changing demands, we’ve always considered what we do to be about far more than just signs. What sets FASTSIGNS franchise partners apart is their ability to listen to understand their customers; then provide comprehensive solutions to their needs. This involves taking the time to understand their business and building a deep rapport, something Andy still loves most about his work, even after 30 years!

A shared goal
At FASTSIGNS, this sense of mutual respect is what connects us at every level of the network, from franchise owners and the head office teams dedicated to supporting them, to their teams and the customers they help. This is what really sets FASTSIGNS apart. It’s what keeps our network engaged in what they’ve been doing for so long. As the industry develops, our brand develops, and franchisees’ businesses also develop. It’s this constant change and advancement which keeps FASTSIGNS fresh, so you’ll continue to find pleasure in what you’re offering customers, delighting them with your designs and installations.
“One of my greatest pleasures,” says Andy, “is being able to walk around Leeds and see work that we have completed through FASTSIGNS Leeds, for clients. I still get a deep sense of satisfaction from this.” However, it’s not just his customers who have kept Andy happily with FASTSIGNS for so long. He’s also immensely proud of the team he’s built up at FASTSIGNS Leeds, several of whom have been with him for more than 20 years – they clearly love it as much as Andy does!
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